Energy Medicine

inn8heal is offering Energy Medicine (Energy Healing) which is a natural form of healing and cure using tapping, exercise, and acupressure techniques…

About Energy Healing
We use Energy as Medicine to understanding how your body’s energies flow, interact, and impact on your health so by assessing, communicating with, and shifting energy to promote or enhance health and vitality for self-healing.

We work with the energy fields of the body and use techniques to restore balance, flow, and harmony in those energies. Energy medicine first approaches a health condition by strengthening the person’s overall energy system and then by working with specific energies that are involved in the problem.

Eden Energy Medicine is the safest, natural, and most effective way of healing your body by creating space to move your energies in specific patterns.
If a person is having issues like stress, any type of pains or traumas, this may be due to the fact that energies are blocked along your meridians so by using simple processes and technics we can alleviate the symptoms, just by using our hands. Energy medicine is all about making sure that the energies are flowing in the right direction.
We have a tool that is just by using our hands to assess the flow and the function of energies in people’s bodies. So by energy testing, a person gives us feedback about what is happening with energies in their body.

Assessing and working with specific vulnerabilities in your energy system or consulting with an Energy Medicine practitioner. Unlike treatments that offer pills or surgery, Energy Medicine focuses on the entire body as a system. Before doing more specific treatments, Energy Medicine practitioners routinely help people get their body’s overall energies into a strong and healthy flow.

There is a basic energy exercise called Daily energy Routine if you carry it out daily for 10minutes will make you feel alive, happy, joyful, and reduces stress level because your energies are balanced.

The seven chakras are named after the areas of the body over which they spin.
Each chakra plays a unique role in supporting and governing the functioning of your physical body and a particular organ. Chakras also help influence different hormones. Clearing and balancing the chakra energies regulates your body chemistry, improves your mental acuity and strengthens your overall health.